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Getting started

Install and import sme

!pip install -q sme
import sme
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

print("sme version:", sme.__version__)
Matplotlib is building the font cache; this may take a moment.
sme version: 1.6.0+8039f4d

Importing a model

  • to load an existing sme or xml file: sme.open_file('model_filename.xml')

  • to load a built-in example model: sme.open_example_model()

my_model = sme.open_example_model()

Getting help

  • to see the type of an object: type(object)

  • to print a one line description of an object: repr(object)

  • to print a multi-line description of an object: print(object)

  • to get help on an object, its methods and properties: help(object)

"<sme.Model named 'Very Simple Model'>"
  - name: 'Very Simple Model'
  - compartments:
     - Outside
     - Cell
     - Nucleus
  - membranes:
     - Outside <-> Cell
     - Cell <-> Nucleus
Help on Model in module sme object:

class Model(builtins.object)
 |  the spatial model
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(...)
 |      __init__(self, filename: str) -> None
 |  __repr__(...)
 |      __repr__(self) -> str
 |  __str__(...)
 |      __str__(self) -> str
 |  export_sbml_file(...)
 |      export_sbml_file(self, filename: str) -> None
 |      exports the model as a spatial SBML file
 |      Args:
 |          filename (str): the name of the file to create
 |  export_sme_file(...)
 |      export_sme_file(self, filename: str) -> None
 |      exports the model as a sme file
 |      Args:
 |          filename (str): the name of the file to create
 |  import_geometry_from_image(...)
 |      import_geometry_from_image(self, filename: str) -> None
 |      sets the geometry of each compartment to the corresponding pixels in the supplied geometry image
 |      Note:
 |          Currently this function assumes that the compartments maintain the same colour
 |          as they had with the previous geometry image. If the new image does not contain
 |          pixels of each of these colours, the new model geometry will not be valid.
 |          The volume of a pixel (in physical units) is also unchanged by this function.
 |      Args:
 |          filename (str): the name of the geometry image to import
 |  simulate(...)
 |      simulate(self, simulation_time: float, image_interval: float, timeout_seconds: int = 86400, throw_on_timeout: bool = True, simulator_type: sme.SimulatorType = SimulatorType.Pixel, continue_existing_simulation: bool = False, return_results: bool = True, n_threads: int = 1) -> sme.SimulationResultList
 |      simulate(self, simulation_times: str, image_intervals: str, timeout_seconds: int = 86400, throw_on_timeout: bool = True, simulator_type: sme.SimulatorType = SimulatorType.Pixel, continue_existing_simulation: bool = False, return_results: bool = True, n_threads: int = 1) -> sme.SimulationResultList
 |      Overloaded function.
 |      1. ``simulate(self, simulation_time: float, image_interval: float, timeout_seconds: int = 86400, throw_on_timeout: bool = True, simulator_type: sme.SimulatorType = SimulatorType.Pixel, continue_existing_simulation: bool = False, return_results: bool = True, n_threads: int = 1) -> sme.SimulationResultList``
 |                 returns the results of the simulation.
 |                 Args:
 |                     simulation_time (float): The length of the simulation in model units of time, e.g. `5.5`
 |                     image_interval (float): The interval between images in model units of time, e.g. `1.1`
 |                     timeout_seconds (int): The maximum time in seconds that the simulation can run for. Default value: 86400 = 1 day.
 |                     throw_on_timeout (bool): Whether to throw an exception on simulation timeout. Default value: `True`.
 |                     simulator_type (sme.SimulatorType): The simulator to use: `sme.SimulatorType.DUNE` or `sme.SimulatorType.Pixel`. Default value: Pixel.
 |                     continue_existing_simulation (bool): Whether to continue the existing simulation, or start a new simulation. Default value: `False`, i.e. any existing simulation results are discarded before doing the simulation.
 |                     return_results (bool): Whether to return the simulation results. Default value: `True`. If `False`, an empty SimulationResultList is returned.
 |                     n_threads(int): Number of cpu threads to use (for Pixel simulations). Default value is 1, 0 means use all available threads.
 |                 Returns:
 |                     SimulationResultList: the results of the simulation
 |                 Raises:
 |                     RuntimeError: if the simulation times out or fails
 |      2. ``simulate(self, simulation_times: str, image_intervals: str, timeout_seconds: int = 86400, throw_on_timeout: bool = True, simulator_type: sme.SimulatorType = SimulatorType.Pixel, continue_existing_simulation: bool = False, return_results: bool = True, n_threads: int = 1) -> sme.SimulationResultList``
 |                 returns the results of the simulation.
 |                 Args:
 |                     simulation_times (str): The length(s) of the simulation in model units of time as a semicolon-delimited list, e.g. `"5"`, or `"10;100;20"`
 |                     image_intervals (str): The interval(s) between images in model units of time as a semicolon-delimited list, e.g. `"1"`, or `"2;10;0.5"`
 |                     timeout_seconds (int): The maximum time in seconds that the simulation can run for. Default value: 86400 = 1 day.
 |                     throw_on_timeout (bool): Whether to throw an exception on simulation timeout. Default value: `true`.
 |                     simulator_type (sme.SimulatorType): The simulator to use: `sme.SimulatorType.DUNE` or `sme.SimulatorType.Pixel`. Default value: Pixel.
 |                     continue_existing_simulation (bool): Whether to continue the existing simulation, or start a new simulation. Default value: `false`, i.e. any existing simulation results are discarded before doing the simulation.
 |                     return_results (bool): Whether to return the simulation results. Default value: `True`. If `False`, an empty SimulationResultList is returned.
 |                     n_threads(int): Number of cpu threads to use (for Pixel simulations). Default value is 1, 0 means use all available threads.
 |                 Returns:
 |                     SimulationResultList: the results of the simulation
 |                 Raises:
 |                     RuntimeError: if the simulation times out or fails
 |  simulation_results(...)
 |      simulation_results(self) -> sme.SimulationResultList
 |      returns the simulation results.
 |      Returns:
 |          SimulationResultList: the simulation results
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Static methods defined here:
 |  __new__(*args, **kwargs) from nanobind.nb_type_0
 |      Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Readonly properties defined here:
 |  compartment_image
 |      numpy.ndarray: an image of the compartments in this model
 |      An array of RGB integer values for each voxel in the image of
 |      the compartments in this model,
 |      which can be displayed using e.g. ``matplotlib.pyplot.imshow``
 |      Examples:
 |          the image is a 4d (depth x height x width x 3) array of integers:
 |          >>> import sme
 |          >>> model = sme.open_example_model()
 |          >>> type(model.compartment_image)
 |          <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
 |          >>> model.compartment_image.dtype
 |          dtype('uint8')
 |          >>> model.compartment_image.shape
 |          (1, 100, 100, 3)
 |          each voxel in the image has a triplet of RGB integer values
 |          in the range 0-255:
 |          >>> model.compartment_image[0, 34, 36]
 |          array([144,  97, 193], dtype=uint8)
 |          the first z-slice of the image can be displayed using matplotlib:
 |          >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 |          >>> imgplot = plt.imshow(model.compartment_image[0])
 |  compartments
 |      CompartmentList: the compartments in this model
 |      a list of :class:`Compartment` that can be iterated over,
 |      or indexed into by name or position in the list.
 |      Examples:
 |          the list of compartments can be iterated over:
 |          >>> import sme
 |          >>> model = sme.open_example_model()
 |          >>> for compartment in model.compartments:
 |          ...     print(
 |          Outside
 |          Cell
 |          Nucleus
 |          or a compartment can be found using its name:
 |          >>> cell = model.compartments["Cell"]
 |          >>> print(
 |          Cell
 |          or indexed by its position in the list:
 |          >>> last_compartment = model.compartments[-1]
 |          >>> print(
 |          Nucleus
 |  membranes
 |      MembraneList: the membranes in this model
 |      a list of :class:`Membrane` that can be iterated over,
 |      or indexed into by name or position in the list.
 |      Examples:
 |          the list of membranes can be iterated over:
 |          >>> import sme
 |          >>> model = sme.open_example_model()
 |          >>> for membrane in model.membranes:
 |          ...     print(
 |          Outside <-> Cell
 |          Cell <-> Nucleus
 |          or a membrane can be found using its name:
 |          >>> outer = model.membranes["Outside <-> Cell"]
 |          >>> print(
 |          Outside <-> Cell
 |          or indexed by its position in the list:
 |          >>> last_membrane = model.membranes[-1]
 |          >>> print(
 |          Cell <-> Nucleus
 |  parameters
 |      ParameterList: the parameters in this model
 |      a list of :class:`Parameter` that can be iterated over,
 |      or indexed into by name or position in the list.
 |      Examples:
 |          the list of parameters can be iterated over:
 |          >>> import sme
 |          >>> model = sme.open_example_model()
 |          >>> for parameter in model.parameters:
 |          ...     print(
 |          param
 |          or a parameter can be found using its name:
 |          >>> p = model.parameters["param"]
 |          >>> print(
 |          param
 |          or indexed by its position in the list:
 |          >>> last_param = model.parameters[-1]
 |          >>> print(
 |          param
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  name
 |      str: the name of this model

Viewing model contents

  • the compartments in a model can be accessed as a list: model.compartments

  • the list can be iterated over, or an item looked up by index or name

  • other lists of objects, such as species in a compartment, or parameters in a reaction, behave in the same way

Iterating over compartments

for compartment in my_model.compartments:
<sme.Compartment named 'Outside'>
<sme.Compartment named 'Cell'>
<sme.Compartment named 'Nucleus'>

Get compartment by name

cell_compartment = my_model.compartments["Cell"]
<sme.Compartment named 'Cell'>

Get compartment by list index

last_compartment = my_model.compartments[-1]
<sme.Compartment named 'Nucleus'>

Display geometry of compartments

fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=len(my_model.compartments), figsize=(18, 12))
for ax, compartment in zip(axs, my_model.compartments):
    ax.imshow(compartment.geometry_mask[0], interpolation="none")

Display parameter names and values

my_reac = my_model.compartments["Nucleus"].reactions["A to B conversion"]
for param in my_reac.parameters:
  - name: 'A to B conversion'

  - name: 'k1'
  - value: '0.3'

Editing model contents

  • Parameter values and object names can be changed by assigning new values to them


print(f"Model name: {}")
Model name: Very Simple Model
[13]: = "New model name!"
print(f"Model name: {}")
Model name: New model name!

Model Parameters

param = my_model.parameters[0]
print(f"{} = {param.value}")
param = 1
param.value = "2.5"
print(f"{} = {param.value}")
param = 2.5

Reaction Parameters

k1 = my_model.compartments["Nucleus"].reactions["A to B conversion"].parameters["k1"]
print(f"{} = {k1.value}")
k1 = 0.3
k1.value = 0.72
print(f"{} = {k1.value}")
k1 = 0.72

Species Initial Concentrations

  • can be Uniform (float), Analytic (str) or Image (np.ndarray)

species = my_model.compartments["Cell"].species[0]
    f"Species '{}' has initial concentration of type '{species.concentration_type}', value '{species.uniform_concentration}'"
species.uniform_concentration = 1.3
    f"Species '{}' has initial concentration of type '{species.concentration_type}', value '{species.uniform_concentration}'"
Species 'A_cell' has initial concentration of type 'ConcentrationType.Uniform', value '0.0'
Species 'A_cell' has initial concentration of type 'ConcentrationType.Uniform', value '1.3'
species.analytic_concentration = "3 + 2*cos(x/2)+sin(y/3)"
    f"Species '{}' has initial concentration of type '{species.concentration_type}', expression '{species.analytic_concentration}'"
Species 'A_cell' has initial concentration of type 'ConcentrationType.Analytic', expression '3 + 2 * cos(x / 2) + sin(y / 3)'
# generate concentration image with concentration = x + y
new_concentration_image = np.zeros(species.concentration_image.shape)
for index, _ in np.ndenumerate(new_concentration_image):
    new_concentration_image[index] = index[0] + index[1]

species.concentration_image = new_concentration_image
    f"Species '{}' has initial concentration of type '{species.concentration_type}'"
Species 'A_cell' has initial concentration of type 'ConcentrationType.Image'

Exporting a model

  • to save the model, including any simulation results: model.export_sme_file('model_filename.sme')

  • to export the model as an SBML file (no simulation results): model.export_sbml_file('model_filename.xml')

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